The Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall came to Petoskey this last week and the kids and I went to see it. It was a solemn place, but it was very interesting to see what people had left at the memorial--many flowers, flags, and a few other personal momentos as well. Most poignant was an old battered purple hat, obviously loved and worn by someone special.
I don't personally know anyone whose name is on the wall, but my father was in Vietnam when I was born, and he was able to come back when I was 3 months old. The name of a hometown buddy of his is on the wall. He and his friend had joined the army on the same day from their very small town of 600 people. In the same month that my father came home safe, his friend was killed in Vietnam.
I saw the wall in Washington, DC a few years ago and was moved to be very thankful for those men and women who give their time, their energy, and sometimes their lives to make sure that we can continue to live our lives freely. Not just those who were in Vietnam, but those who were in any war. If this is you, Thank you so much.