Saturday, May 24, 2008

Everyday Art

Here in Petoskey there is a large art community. A few years ago, the Red Cross did a fundraiser where they had local artists paint fish and then sold them at auction to raise money. It was very successful, so they've gone on to do elephants and sailboats as well. This elephant is on display in the children's section of the Petoskey library, having been purchased by a downtown store. Before the auction, they are scattered all over the towns in the this area for a few months, some as far as 30 miles away. Then they are brought together a few days before the auction so people can peruse them. One of my favorites was a fish that had scenes of Italy painted on it; Michaelangelo's Sistene Chapel scene with God and Adam, the Mouth of Truth, and other things unique to Italy. An artist I know also designed a sailboat covered in mosaic glass. Very beautiful! We are very blessed to have so many artists in this area!


Profile Not Available said...

Very fun! With our Swedish heritage here in Geneva, we have done the same with Dala Horses!

Erik W. Laursen said...

We did it with pigs. Called it the Big Pig Gig in Cincinnati. It was super.