Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Okay, not exactly Petoskey....but...

...I couldn't resist. This is a shot of the Mackinac Bridge (pronounced Mack-i-naw). It is about 30 miles from Petoskey and the bridge is 5 miles long. It connects the Lower and Upper Peninsulas of Michigan and divides Lake Michigan from Lake Huron. You can walk across this bridge once a year--on Labor Day in September--along with 50,000 other people! They used to have a long bike ride that culminated in a ride across the bridge and a trip to Mackinac Island, and you could join it the morning of the bridge ride, so I've been able to ride across the bridge twice, but that is not an option any more, you have to ride the whole thing. What gorgeous views.

1 comment:

Profile Not Available said...

Love the view from this bridge! I hvaen't been here in a long time!